Faculty Research and Sponsored Programs

Frederick Bonato and Andrea Bubka, Psychology

May-June 2013 – Andrea Bubka and Frederick Bonato presented research at the Aerospace Medical Association conference in Chicago and also in London to the Royal Aeronautical Society.

McCarthy, G., Newman, M., Glaser, S., Comtois, P., Bonato, F., & Bubka, A. (2013, June). Tactical training with authentic imposed acceleration. Paper presentation presented at the annual meeting of the Royal Aeronautical Society: Mission Training and Flight Simulation, London, UK.

Bonato, F., Newman, M., Bubka, A., Glaser, S., McCarthy, G. (2013, May). Differential adaptation to Coriolis stimuli and absence of postural instability in a planetary motion centrifuge. Paper presentation presented at the annual meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association, Chicago, IL.

(Top: Bubka and Bonato with Jim Lovell, the astronaut at the Aerospace Medical Association conference.)