
History students take part in Veterans Day Ceremony

Yesterday, on a beautifully sunny fall day, Saint Peter’s University held its annual Veterans Day Memorial Service in Panepinto Plaza. This year’s ceremony paid special tribute to those soldiers who died fighting in the first World War in honor of the centennial of the war’s end. Four students from Dr. Gerlach’s HS-314 The World Wars class read citations of the Saint Peter’s College students who lost their lives in WWI.


Pictured here are Kyle Stewart, Amber Davies, Gabriella Ambroise, and Aaren Rigor reading their citations.


The Veterans memorial, A Tribute to Sacrifice, was dedicated on Sunday, November 2, 2014, and honors fallen alumni and students who lost their lives while serving their country. It is located in the courtyard outside of the Mac Mahon Student Center on Saint Peter’s University Jersey City campus. For more information or to learn more about the soldiers who are named on the memorial, visit https://alumni.saintpeters.edu/tribute-to-sacrifice-names.