Induction Ceremony to Sigma Tau Delta
On April 3, the English Department held its annual induction to Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society. Pictured here, left to right, are alumnus Patrick Caoile (’18), seniors Khawla Elharmouchi, Nicholas Dawybida, and Mahreen Shahzadi, and new inductees Matthew Blumensteel and Kevin Rojas (Class of 2020).

Saint Peter’s Faculty Stars in Upcoming Play
Judy Wilson, English adjunct professor, stars in Plaza Suite by Neil Simon at Studio Players in Montclair. The show runs from November 3-8. Click here for more information.

Gustavo Perez Firmat, Poet, Comes to Campus as Part of Latinx Heritage Month
Through the efforts and connections of Dan Figueredo, adjunct professor in the English department and in collaboration with the Latino Studies Program and the College of Arts & Sciences, Gustavo Perez Firmat, Ph.D., the David Feinson professor of the humanities at Columbia University and renowned poet, spoke on campus last week as part of Latinx […]

Faculty and Staff Share their Passions at Common Reading Event
The kick-off panel for Peacock Passions, where faculty and staff members shared the interests that give their lives meaning and additional dimension, was held on September 18 in Pope Lecture Hall. This event is part of the Freshman Common Reading Program which is currently working with The Art of Work by Jeff Goins. A second […]

Summer Updates from the English Department
Gillian Adler, Ph.D., assistant professor of English, delivered a paper, “Theseus’s Loving Distance: Space, Sight, and the Boethian Intertext in Chaucer’s Knight’s Tale,” at the London Biennial Conference on “Chaucer and the Law.” Emily Amodeo, adjunct instructor in English, published a short story, “We’re Not Pageant People,” in the 40th Anniversary, special issue of Gargoyle. […]
Professor Interviewed about his Book on CUNY-TV
William Luhr, Ph.D., English professor, appeared on the television show City Cinematheque on CUNY-TV. He discussed ways in which the classic 1950 film D.O.A. provided illustrations of concepts and patterns that Dr. Luhr developed in his recent book on Film Noir.

Professor Emeritus Publishes Memoir
A memoir by Dr. Loren Schmidterger, professor emeritus of English, titled The Beginner’s Cow: Memories of a Volga German from Kansas is a collection of essays that recalls his early years on a Kansas farm during the Dust Bowl era. The reader follows Dr. Schmidtberger on his unlikely journey from a Midwestern farm to an […]

Meet The New Inductees of the Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society
Last week was the Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society Induction Ceremony. The guest speaker was Lisette Santiago ’14. Congratulations to all.

Edward Hirsch Speaks about Connecting to Others through Poetry
Edward Hirsch, renowned poet, teacher and scholar visited campus as part of the Valente and Blihar Families Poetry Series on Tuesday, April 4. In his talk titled, “Reading Poetry, Poetry Reading,” Hirsch shared his thoughts on the bonds poetry creates between people and inspired the audience with his personal anecdotes and poetry.

“Rev. Robert McCarty, S.J. a ‘Life in Books and Letters’”
On Thursday, March 30, the English department and The Theresa and Edward O’Toole Library officially opened an exhibit titled “Dr. Robert McCarty, S.J. a ‘Life in Books and Letters’” honoring Fr. McCarty’s four-plus decades of teaching and spiritual counseling at Saint Peter’s. Curated by Librarian and Reference & Exhibits Coordinator Ilona MacNamara, the display highlights […]