Honors Program

Faculty & Staff

  • Dr. Rachel Wifall

    Office: James V. Bastek Honors House (Office hours held weekly), and Loyola Hall, Room 32
    Email: rwifall@saintpeters.edu
    Phone: (201) 761-6326

    Dr. Rachel Wifall graduated from New York University in 1999, with a doctorate in English Literature, specializing in Shakespearean Drama. She has been a member of the Saint Peter’s University English Department since the fall of 2004. Dr. Wifall is active with the Schola, Chorale and English Club on campus, and also teaches yoga at the Recreation Life Center.A writer of creative fiction and poetry, Dr. Wifall serves as faculty advisor to the Saint Peter’s University literary magazine, The Pavan. She also serves as the director of the university Honors Program.

  • Lauren Squillante

    Administrative Assistant to the Honors Program and Philosophy and History Departments
    Office: James V. Bastek Honors Center (Tuesday & Wednesday)
    Email: lsquillante@saintpeters.edu
    Phone: (201) 761-6225


The James V. Bastek Honors Center

The Honors Program offices are located on the second floor of 127 Glenwood Avenue in the James V. Bastek Honors Center. The space was created through the generous donation of alumna Carol Potyrala Bastek, Ph.D., Class of 1970, in memory of her husband, James V. Bastek, M.D., Class of 1967.

Known affectionately as “the Honors House” to Honors students, the James V. Bastek Honors Center is available for students to utilize for individual quiet study, study groups or team meetings, and socializing, as well as a classroom space for small Honors seminars. Along with the Social Justice Program, located at 125 Glenwood Avenue in the King-Kairos Center for Social Justice, the Honors Program maintains the backyard of these properties as a campus green space and community garden for the enjoyment of all members of Saint Peter’s University.


collection of photos from the John V. Bastek Honors House