Honors Program

Honors Program

“When composing my senior Honors thesis, I was allowed to fully immerse myself into something I’m passionate about – the world of Jane Austen’s characters. Overall, studying within the Honors Program taught me how to take full advantage of my resources and always strive for excellence. The small size of Honors classes and the fruitful discussion that takes place are things you just can’t beat.” – Dimana N. ’11

Why not strive for the Magis and perform at the highest academic level?

The Saint Peter’s University Honors Program is committed to providing motivated students with individual advisement and instruction, high-impact academic experiences, and collaborative activities which will enable them to strive for the Magis and perform at the highest academic level.

Freshman enrollment in the Honors Program is by invitation, based on high school performance and grade point average. Students who have earned 15 or more credits at the University and have attained a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 may apply for delayed admission to the Honors Program by contacting the Honors Program director. Transfer students who possess the equivalent of a 3.5 GPA may also apply. All interested students are encouraged to seek admission to the program. Students who, for one reason or another, are unable to complete the requirements of the Honors Program, but would like to take an Honors course, and have a cumulative average of 3.5, are eligible to register for Honors courses as Honors associates. Honors students whose averages fall below the requirement are given a grace period to restore themselves to good standing within the program.

Why Join Honors?

Incoming first-year students who join the Honors Program are not required to take placement exams and are automatically placed into the one-semester Honors Writing Composition course (CM-102-HP).

Honors students receive priority registration and dual advisement (from the Honors Program and a major advisor), each semester, for all four years.

Honors classes are small, with a typical enrollment of no more than 15 students.

Honors classes emphasize research, writing, and presentation skills. Honors-designated course sections offer an accelerated curriculum and an enriched classroom experience, with smaller class sizes, more in-depth classroom discussions, and more rigorous assignments. These courses also often include special learning experiences, such as service-learning, cultural outings, or study abroad.