The Center for Academic Success and Engagement (CASE)

Tutorial Tips

Getting the Most Out of Tutoring

  • Come prepared: a tutor cannot successfully assist you with material that you have not read.
  • Consistency Pays Off
  • Bring your book and your notebook (with your class notes).
  • If you are working on a project, paper, or assignment, bring your professor’s instruction sheet or specifications along with your notebook; your assignment will turn out much better if the tutor knows exactly what your instructor expects from the project.
  • Bring along any returned papers or tests in the subject area for which you are being tutored; the instructor’s commentary is helpful to the tutor, and you can work with the tutor on any problem areas shown on the returned paper or test.
  • Bring any tools appropriate to the subject such as a calculators, charts, tables, etc.
  • Let the tutor know what style of assistance works best for you: are you a visual learner who needs charts, maps or diagrams?  Do you need to hear someone explain the material before you work on your own?  Do you like to work out assignments on your own first and then have the tutor assist you when you “hit a snag?”  Your learning style is as individual as you are.
  • Remember, if you are being assisted in a language (French, etc.), class work and one hour of tutoring won’t help very much if you don’t also practice your speaking assignments at home or in your room; what you learn needs reinforcement.
  • Let the tutor know of any anxiety you may have about the subject matter in question; (or about test anxiety)

CASE Learning Support invites you to form a learning partnership with us.  The results will surprise you!

Consistency Helps!

Keep in mind that consistent tutoring in a subject is a proven way to boost a course grade. In
Fall Semester 2018, students who were tutored consistently in a subject (between 7 and 12
times), all passed the courses in which they were tutored (with no D grades either!).

  • 100% passed the course in which they were tutored
  • 65% of those students passed the course in which they were tutored with a B-range
    grade or an A-range grade

While Learning Support can’t guarantee a good grade, those students who are assisted
consistently in a course all semester usually achieve better grades.