
Dr. Joseph McLaughlin, Chairperson

The Department of Sociology and Urban Studies offers a major in Sociology, Urban Studies, and Anthropology. Minors are offered in Sociology, Urban Studies, Africana Studies, and Anthropology.

Requirements for Sociology Major

Degree of Bachelor of Arts

SO-121Introduction to Sociology3
SO-280Sociological Theory3
SO-345Sociology of Intimacy3
SO-384Cultural Anthropology3
SO-448Statistics in the Social Sciences3
SO-450Research Techniques: Social Sciences3
SO/UR-492Urban Internship3
or SO-495 Internshp in Intern'l Settings
SO-496Rev. Marion J. Franklin Senior Seminar3
SO-Sociology Electives6
Total Credits30

Requirements for an Urban Studies Major

Degree of Bachelor of Arts

UR-151The Contemporary City3
UR-370Urban Anthropology3
UR-412Ethnicity and Race in Urban History3
UR-490Urban Field Work3
UR-491Advanced Urban Field Work3
SO-450Research Techniques: Social Sciences3
UR-Urban Studies Electives12
Total Credits30

Requirements for an Anthropology Major

Degree of Bachelor of Arts

AT-301Introduction to Archeology3
AT-275Indigenous Civilizations: Olmecs to Inka3
AT-313Human Evolution Ecology and Adaptation3
AT-370Urban Anthropology3
AT-384Cultural Anthropology3
SO-450Research Techniques: Social Sciences3
SO-495Internshp in Intern'l Settings3
Nine specific credits from one of the following:9
AN, AR, AS, EV, FA, GS, HS, LS, ML, AT, SO, TH or UR
Total Credits30

Requirements for a Minor in Sociology

SO-121Introduction to Sociology3
Select one of the following:3
Africana Studies course
Latin American and Latino Studies course
Gender and Sexuality course
SO-Sociology electives12
Total Credits18

Requirements for a Minor in Urban Studies

UR-151The Contemporary City3
UR/SO-412Ethnicity and Race in Urban History3
UR-Urban Studies Electives12
Total Credits18

Requirements for a Minor in Anthropology

SO/BI-313Human Evolution Ecology and Adaptation 13
SO-370Urban Anthropology3
SO-384Cultural Anthropology3
AT, SO, UR, EV, HS Anthropology Electives9
Total Credits18