Cyber Security Center

Command and Control Center

Command and Control Center


The Saint Peter’s University, Command and Control Center, is a function within the University Cyber Security Center. It is staffed by graduate and undergraduate students that are pursuing a Master’s Degree in Cyber Security or a B.S. Degree in Computer Science with a concentration in Cyber Security. Its purpose is to provide accurate and timely information and reporting to the Saint Peter’s University community on cyber-attacks that are associated with identity theft.

Harish MallikarjunaThe Group Leader for the Cyber Security Command and Control Center is Harish Mallikarjuna. Harish is pursuing his MS in Cyber Security and is on track to graduate in May 2020.

The Command and Control Center gathers cyber-attack information from various vendor sources, analyzes it, curates it, and prepares a report on a weekly basis on the top identity threats that the community should be aware of.

This report is posted here and is updated every Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. EDT: