Graduate Student Center
The Graduate Student Center empowers graduate students to achieve their academic and professional goals, while engaging them through professional programming and workshops designed to help students succeed in and outside of the classroom. In collaboration with university partners, we assist students with their professional development and provide support throughout their university experience.
Dinneen Hall, Room 108
(201) 761-6045
Hours of Operation:
Mon & Wed
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Tues, Thurs, & Fri
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Continuing Education
In a partnership with ed2go, we offer a wide range of affordable non-credit courses, both for personal and professional development, and for career training. Some career training courses include a voucher for a national exam. All courses are led by expert instructors.

Programming and Workshops
Professional Programming & Workshops that are designed to support student success and enhance their academic, global, wellness, and leadership skills.
Graduate and Professional Studies Career Series done in collaboration with the Center for Career Engagement and Experiential Learning (CEEL). The Career Series provides professional development through lectures, workshops, and networking events for students to enhance their skills and become successful in their careers.
Career Coaching
Career Coaching for Graduate Studies provides career guidance and support to graduate students through individual appointments, group sessions, and career-related events and workshops. The Coach works closely with employers and community partners to identify and expand internships and career opportunities for all graduate students.

accelerated students
The Center for Global Learning and International Services (CGL) plays a vital role in supporting and enriching the experience of international students and scholars at Saint Peter’s University. They provide essential services, resources, and programming to help international students thrive academically, socially, and culturally during their time in the U.S. and abroad.
The Center provides support and services to international students, scholars, and the broader campus community. The CGL’s primary goal is to enhance the international student experience and promote cultural exchange on campus. Their core functions include the following:
- International Student Advising
- Orientation and Integration
- Visa and Document Support
- Cultural Programming and Events
- International Student Advocacy
- International Partnerships and Exchange Programs

Academic Standards
There are two key factors related to Academic Standing at the University:
- SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress) – students must maintain above a 3.0 and have a completion rate of at least 66%
- Academic Standing
- If a student falls below a 3.0 for one term, they will be placed on probation.
- If a student falls below a 3.0 after a second term, they will be placed on suspension pending appeal process
Saint Peter’s University (SPU) does not condone nor tolerate any form of academic dishonesty. The Saint Peter’s University community is committed to the Jesuit mission through education that prepares students to “excel intellectually, lead ethically, serve compassionately, and promote justice”.
All students are bound by the Policy on Academic Integrity set forth below upon enrollment at the University. All faculty, administrators and staff members are obliged to endorse and distribute this policy and to ensure that the principles and value of academic integrity is discussed and any violation is reported.
Cheating is a serious form of academic dishonesty. It consists of copying, using or accepting unauthorized assistance in connection with any assignment such as examinations, tests, quizzes, and papers or any other academic work.
Plagiarism is another serious form of academic dishonesty. It consists of using or purchasing the ideas, data and writings of another person and using them as one’s own.
Enrollment Services Center
(201) 761-6052
Student Accounts
(201) 761-7440
Financial Aid
(201) 761-6060
Center for Global Learning
(201) 761-6028
Career Engagement and Experiential
Learning (CEEL)
(201) 761-6400
Center for Academic Success and Engagement (CASE)
(201) 761-6038
Counseling and Psychological Services
(201) 761-6420
International Students
(201) 761-6470
Graduate Admissions
Domestic Students
gradadmit@saintpeters.eduInternational Students
(201) 761-6470