Elizabeth Rado ’21 Featured in HUMC Newsletter for Work as Student Nurse Extern

Nursing student Elizabeth Rado ’21 was featured in The Pulse, Hackensack University Medical Center’s newsletter, for her work as a student nurse extern. Below is the excerpt featuring Rado’s story.

Elizabeth Rado’s Story in her own words…

“I am from Morristown, NJ and am a senior nursing student at St. Peter’s University in Jersey City, NJ. I found out about the SNE program from my clinical professor, Lu Ann Campagnola (she is an APN in HUMC’s NICU). I used to do my med-surg clinicals of 4 Link West and was lucky enough to shadow in the CTICU during one of my clinical rotations. Since then, I was curious about the unit and wanted to go back. The SNE program allowed me go back and practice nursing skills in the critical care environment that I would not have been exposed to as an undergrad. From day one, Lisa, Danielle, and the whole CTICU staff welcomed me with open arms, and by the end of the program I felt like a part of their family. The nurses and staff made a conscious effort to constantly educate and fully include me in participation of patient care.

I was allowed to work day and night shift, participate in care of patients with cardiac devices such as Impellas, IABPs, LVADs. I was able to see a TAVR in the Cath Lab, and see a CABG surgery with Dr. Batsides and then follow the post op care of that patient, and so much more! It was truly an amazing experience, and I cannot rave about the program enough! Outside of the relationships I have made from the program, the best thing for me personally was seeing the growth I was able to make in this 10 week time span. I came in with limited knowledge and left with invaluable experience as well as increased confidence in my clinical abilities thanks to all of the nurses in the CTICU! I was lucky enough to be offered a position as a PCT on 4 Link West, and I am so grateful! I still get to see the CTICU staff, and was reunited with 4LW staff who remembered me from my previous clinicals. I could not be happier and truly I am so grateful for the SNE experience and opportunities presented to me. It is a phenomenal opportunity for student nurses and a wonderful program!”

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