Magaly Sanchez, B.B.A., B.S., M.Sc.

Adjunct Professor


Magaly Sanchez is an accomplished adjunct professor at Saint Peter’s University, where she brings a wealth of experience and expertise in the field of Information Security to the classroom. With a dynamic background as a Lead Information Security Analyst and a commitment to nurturing emerging talent, Magaly is a valuable asset to the academic community.
In her role as an adjunct professor at Saint Peter’s University, Magaly embodies a personable and student-centric approach to education. She is dedicated to helping students, particularly those at the beginning of their academic journey, develop technical talent and navigate educational and professional challenges successfully. Magaly employs a diverse range of exercises, readings, and collaborative discussions to engage and enrich the learning experience for their students. Her use of cutting-edge technologies and instructional methodologies ensures that the coursework remains fresh, relevant, and aligned with industry standards.

Magaly brings a wealth of knowledge and a practical perspective to the classroom, making her a respected mentor and educator within the university community. Her commitment to excellence, both in the field of Information Security and in academia, underscores their dedication to shaping the future of the industry.