Faculty Research and Sponsored Programs


Stephanie Bryan, Health and Physical Education

Dr. Stephanie Bryan, Assistant Professor and Director of the Health and Physical Education Program (along with co-author G. Pinto Zipp) had an article, entitled “The Effect of Mindfulness Meditation Techniques During Yoga and Cycling, published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 20(6) 306-316 (2014).

Brian Hopkins, Mathematics

Last week Brian Hopkins, professor of mathematics at Saint Peter’s University, was awarded with a 2015 Haimo Teaching Award from the Mathematical Association of America. The award has been given since 1991 to honor college or university teachers who have been widely recognized as extraordinarily successful and whose teaching effectiveness has been shown to have […]

WeiDong Zhu, Physics Program, Applied Science and Technology

Three students from the Physics program—Prajwal Niraula, Joseph Ghobrial and Sabin Pradhan—teamed up to participate in the fifth annual International University Physics Competition (2014).  Participating teams—which included universities from around the world—were asked toanalyze an applied scenario using the principles of physics, and write a formal paper describing their work.  Working under the guidance of […]

WeiDong Zhu, Physics Program, Applied Science and Technology

WeiDong Zhu, Associate Professor, and one of his student researchers, Prajwal Niraula, have published an article entitled “The Missing Modes of Self-Organization in Cathode Boundary Layer Discharge in Xenon” in the journal Plasma Source Science and Technology (PSST).

Fatima Shaik, Communication and Media Culture

Fatima Shaik, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication and Media Culture, spoke at a recent rally—representing the PEN American Center’s (PEN) Children and Young Adult Committee—bringing attention to the continuing need to provide and ensure open access to the internet and “preserve net neutrality” for the sake, in her own words, of “children’s literacy, for adult […]

Daniel Wisneski, Psychology

Daniel Wisneski, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, co-authored an article “Morality in Everyday Life” published in the journal Science (September 2014, Vol. 345, No. 6202, pp. 1340-1343. The research work described focused on “the science of morality” and “assessed moral or immoral acts in a large sample using ecological momentary assessment.” It was profiled […]

Nickolas Kintos, Mathematics

Nickolas Kintos, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, co-authored an article published in the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems: “A Modeling Exploration of How Synaptic Feedback to Descending Projection Neurons Shapes the Activity of an Oscillatory Network” (Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 1239-1269). The paper’s abstract can be found […]

Mary Kate Naatus—Business Administration

Mary Kate Naatus, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, received a “Best Paper Award” at the 2014 Business and Applied Sciences Academy of North America International Conference (held at Ramapo College, NJ in June) for her paper entitled “Impact of Yelp on Small Businesses.”

William Luhr, English

William Luhr, Ph.D., professor of English at Saint Peter’s University, was a recent guest on the program One-on-One with Steve Adubato. In the interview, Dr. Luhr discussed his book, Film Noir (New Approaches to Film Genre). He explained how to classify the film noir genre and demonstrated how it is still seen in movies today. […]

film noir by william luhr

Wei-Dong Zhu, Physics Program, Applied Science and Technology

August 2014 – Dr. WeiDong Zhu was a member of the local organizing committee of the 4th Graduate Summer Institute “Complex Plasmas” held on July 30 – August 8, 2014 in Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ. He was also invited to give a tutorial talk titled “Applications of Atmospheric Pressure Non-thermal Plasmas in Dentistry”.
