Photo Galleries


Dr. Cornacchia and Martin Luther King III, Michaelmas Convocation 2021

Dr. Cornacchia and Martin Luther King III, Michaelmas Convocation 2021

Sesquicentennial Celebration Kick-off Party

Sesquicentennial Celebration Kick-off Party

Mass of the Holy Spirit - September 15, 2021

Mass of the Holy Spirit – September 15, 2021

Frank J. Guarini School of Business Ribbon Cutting and Launch of 90th Anniversary of Business Programs at Saint Peter's

Frank J. Guarini School of Business Ribbon Cutting and Launch of 90th Anniversary of Business Programs at Saint Peter’s

Latinas in the Legislature: A Panel Discussion Sponsored by the Guarini Institute for Government and Leadership

Latinas in the Legislature: A Panel Discussion Sponsored by the Guarini Institute for Government and Leadership

Joseph Cardinal Tobin and Sir Gilbert Levine

Living Friendship and Community in a Divided World: A Conversation between Joseph Cardinal Tobin and Sir Gilbert Levine

Sustainability Council Presentation: Basics of Shellfish Aquaculture with Gef Flimlin ’74

Sustainability Council Presentation: Basics of Shellfish Aquaculture with Gef Flimlin ’74

150 Tastes of Latin America

150 Tastes of Latin America

Run Baby Run Arena Grand Opening and Dedication

Run Baby Run Arena Grand Opening and Dedication

Library Galleries


The Theresa and Edward O’Toole Library is in the process of developing a suite of photo galleries to showcase our rich institutional history.  The Historical photo gallery is now live. Additional galleries featuring student life and athletics, speakers and distinguished guests, campus buildings and faculty, staff and administrators who have served Saint Peter’s University are forthcoming!

Rev. Thomas Aloysius Boland, the Archbishop of Newark

Rev. Thomas Aloysius Boland, Archbishop of Newark

Founding Jesuit Fathers

Founding Jesuit Fathers

Saint Peter's College original building

Saint Peter’s College original building