Residence Life

Campus Safety Tips

Saint Peter’s University strives to make campus as safe as possible.  Residents play a role in campus safety also, by being aware of their surroundings, and knowing some basic tips that they can use to maintain a safe and secure living environment.

To help maintain a safe and secure residential community, follow these tips:

  • Keep the phone number of Campus Safety in your cell phone, or near your room phone.  Their number is (201) 761-7400.
  • Always lock your door, even if you intend to return shortly or are just going down the hall, to the bathroom, or to a friend’s room.  It takes as little as 8 seconds for someone to enter your room, grab something, and leave.
  • Lock all doors and windows when you are sleeping.  The windows are especially important to lock for residents of 1st floor rooms, or windows that have access to fire escapes.
  • Do not sign in people you do not know as guests into the residence halls.  Do not allow strangers to enter the premises.  Call Campus Safety immediately if there are any concerns about strangers on campus.
  • If someone asks to use your phone for emergency purposes, offer to telephone for them instead of allowing them access to your residence and/or possessions.
  • Utilize a bank account instead of keeping large sums of money in your room.
  • Keep your ATM/Bank cards in a safe place.  Never reveal your PIN number to anyone.  Not even your best friend.
  • Call Campus Safety if you see a man entering or leaving a women’s bathroom.  Do not attempt to stop the individual yourself, always call for assistance.
  • Never prop doors open, even for a short time.  Especially fire doors.
  • Report any suspicious behavior to a Residence Life staff member, or Campus Safety.  Remember the individual’s appearance to relay to the approprite authorities.  Do not confront the individual.

By following these tips, you can help reduce the possibilities for crime on campus.