Institutional Review Board

Mission and Purpose

The mission and purpose of the Saint Peter’s University Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to ensure and enhance the protection of the rights, welfare, and personal privacy of human research subjects, to enhance the education of students, faculty, and staff about the ethical and legal principles governing human subjects research, and to ensure compliance with all Federal regulations.

In order to accomplish this mission, the IRB is authorized to review, approve initiation of, and conduct periodic reviews of, research projects that involve human participants in order to determine that all human subjects research is conducted in compliance with all Federal regulations, as well as in accordance with the ethical principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice as highlighted in the Belmont Report, and all other applicable federal, state, local laws and regulations. As mandated by Federal law and consistent with SPU policies and procedures, each investigator must have prior dated and written approval from the IRB before beginning any research project that uses human participants. This is true regardless of the funding source or if the project is funded. No research project using human subjects may begin without prior IRB approval.

In regards to the review of research protocols, the actions of the IRB will be in accordance with the ethical principles identified in the Belmont Report and in compliance with the policies and regulations set forth by the Office of Human Research and Protection (OHRP) of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) at 45 CFR 46.

Our Federalwide Assurance (FWA) Identification number as filed with the Department of Health and Human Services: FWA00019674.

The purpose of this website is to provide investigators and the research community at Saint Peter’s University with the information and materials that are needed to obtain IRB approval of research that involves human participants.

IRB chair and administrator: Dr. Joshua M. Feinberg
Office Location: IRB c/o Psychology Department, Pope Hall, Room 101
Phone number: 201 761-6300